I can ship to Canada now!
*cue screaming*
Before you start shopping, there are a few things you need to know first.
The shipping service that the I use has the LEAST expensive shipping that I’ve seen thus far, buuuuut it’s gonna take a while to get there.
The most that I can ship with the cheaper shipping is up to 4 lbs, which works out to be about 3 candles. I know, I know. I’m sorry!
Anything more than 4 lbs will get there quicker, but it’s SUPER expensive. The difference in shipping for packages over 4lbs is... oof.
There’s no free shipping option for Canadian shipments. I mathed the math and unfortunately, it can’t be done. However… if this changes in the future, I’ll let you know. Be sure you’re following me on my socials!
Thank you SO much for being so patient with me! I can’t wait to see what international homes will have something TerranMade in them!